Pog Compiler


The Pog compiler compiles Pog scripts into Pog packages.

The compiler does not have a graphical interface - It is a win32 binary with a command line interface and is designed to be used with a programmers editor that allows you to define a code compilation program, or with DOS type batch files.

Pog File Types

The Pog compiler references the following file types:

.pog A Pog script in PC text file format. See Pog Script Structure for details.
.pkg A binary Pog package, created by the compiler when compiling a Pog script.
.h A Pog header file for a Pog package, referenced by the compiler when compiling packages. Can also be created by the compiler from a Pog script during the compilation process. See Header Files for details.





The Pog compiler requires the following files and folders from the Pog SDK:

binaries folder - Contains the Pog compiler program and batch file.
include folder - Contains the Pog script header files.
samples folder - Contains sample Pog scripts for you to edit and compile.
compile.bat - Sample batch file for the compiler

To install the compiler:




Using the Compiler

We have included a DOS batch file with the Pog compiler - compile.bat that's already set up to compile Pog files. It assumes the following:

Game Folder C:\Program Files\Infogrames\Independence War 2 - Edge of Chaos
Pog compiler location <game folder>\bin\release\pc.exe
Header file location c:\pog\include\
Package file destination <game folder>\resource\packages\

To use compile.bat:

compile.bat <pog_script_name>


compile.bat My_Script.pog

The package for the script name will automatically be placed in the package file destination folder. You can edit the batch file to change the location of the various folder locations.

Alternatively if you have a programmers editor you can set up the editor to use the Pog compiler directly using the Pog compiler options listed below and the compile.bat as a guide.


Pog Compiler Commands

The Pog compiler is a Win32 command line program. Here's the basic usage:

pc [options] file-name



Pog Script File Name

The Pog script file name must be specified at the end of the command line, and must include the .pog filename extension, e.g. My_Script.pog



These options are not mandatory. If an option isn't specified, then its default value will be used. Options can be specified in any order.

General Options

--help or -h Shows Pog compiler help information.
--quiet or -q  Quiet mode - do not display any messages.


Path Options

All paths are followed by a path parameter, and each path defaults to the current directory. Long filenames in the path parameters should be enclosed in double quotes "".

--include or -i Search the specified folder for include files. (Multiple include paths may be specified with multiple -i parameters.)
--header-path or -hp Place generated header files in the specified folder.
--assembler-path or -ap Place generated assembler files in the specified folder.
Note: This option has no use for Pog script development.
--package-path or -pp Place generated package files in the specified folder.


Output Options

The default outputs are package and header files.

-make-package or -mp  Make a binary package file.
--make-header or -mh Make a package header file.
--make-assembler or -ma Make an assembler output file.
Note: This option has no use for Pog script development.
--check-only or -co Do not generate any files - just produce error and warning messages. This option overrides the other output options.
--no-debug or -nd Do not generate code in debug statements - this
option produces smaller, faster output files.